Saturday, February 8, 2014

I delayed my fitness goals to be a mother.

By Nayeli J.

Thinking about the nets that we give up to follow our Savior, and being very pregnant now, I thought about how we give up our bodies and overall health to be able to have babies.  I had made lots of fitness and wellness goals for the last 6 months in the year 2012 before my husband I planned to go on a cruise together. Both my husband and I made great improvements in our over-all health and even into the year 2013 we were still keeping up with our goals.  One of my long term goals that I wanted to accomplish sooner than later was to become a Zumba instructor!  I love Zumba and wanted to do something for myself and share that love of dancing with others.

  Then, that summer my husband and I decided that it was the best time for us to get pregnant because if we waited, we were going to be moving across the country and my husband would be starting his residency and we knew that would be challenging with already having two little ones.  At this point, I decided to put aside my wellness and fitness goals, my feeling good about looking better and being able to be more active.  I decided that being a mother was a priority and was something that Heavenly Father wanted me to do more than anything.  Now was the best time to do it!  Going into my pregnancy I made new obtainable goals being pregnant, so that I would have a healthy pregnancy, etc.  However, because this is my third baby my joints have been so sore and I haven't been able to be as active as I would like because I'm already chasing after 2. Being 32 wks now I can hardly move and I am on partial bedrest because I was doing too much.

I know that families can be together forever and that my family is definitely a priority in our lives.  Giving up this fitness/wellness "net" to bear more children is so worth it!  Our children are so very special and unique in many ways.  I can't wait to be able to nurture, teach, and care for another little spirit that will come down from God's presence.  Now, how miraculous and wonderful is that?  I feel honored that Heavenly Father would trust me to do such a thing:)

  • Matthew 4:20: And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
Taking care of our bodies is a good thing--but it can be easy to prioritize fitness over the sacred role of motherhood. What sacrifices have you made to put the Savior's plan for families in action in your own life? 

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